DVD or Blu-ray drive is missing or not recognized by Windows or other programs? This problem is likely caused by two Windows registry entries that have become corrupted. Before you continue with these steps, please make sure that you are logged on to Windows as an administrator. To check to see if you are having this issue: 1. Right click on the My Computer icon and select Properties in the sub menu 2. Select the Hardware tab on the System Properties dialog 3. Click on the Device Manager button 4. Check to see if anything has a yellow exclamation mark under 'Other Devices' or 'DVD/CD-ROM drives' 5. If there is yellow exclamation mark next to any device, right click on the device and select Properties in the sub menu 6. In the Device Status area you should see the reason for the mount failure If the status reads something like "cannot load hardware for device" or "code 41" then you may have this known issue with Windows. Please refer to the Microsoft Knowledge Base article 314060 : http://support.microsoft.com/kb/314060 If your optical drive still does not work even after going through all the steps outlined in the Microsoft Knowledge Base article or if you are not getting the specified error, try the device on another computer if possible. If the problem persist on multiple PC's then please contact our technical support department at 508-376-4245 for further assistance.
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