Kanguru Daisy Chain DVD Duplicator Quick Start Guide
Models: DC-DVDDUPE-S15
Kanguru Daisy Chain DVD Duplicators can operate individually as standalone systems. They can also be linked together to create a system of separate DVD Duplicators working together in unison. As few as two and as many as 60,000 duplicators can be connected in a daisy chain configuration. This is a Quick Start Guide for configuring Daisy Chain DVD Duplicators. For detailed information about your Kanguru DVD Duplicator, please refer to the User Guide. A digital copy of the User Guide can be downloaded from our website at: support.kanguru.com.
Setting up Your Daisy Chain System
1. Unpack all the Daisy Chain Duplicators and arrange them side-by-side on a secure, elevated surface. It will make the setup process easier if you have access to the back of the duplicators.
○ We’ll call the duplicator located furthest to the left (when viewed from the front) Duplicator #1. Duplicator #1 is the Master tower.
○ The duplicator to the right of Duplicator #1 is Duplicator #2
○ The next duplicator to the right of Duplicator #2 is Duplicator #3, etc...
2. Locate the two daisy chain ports on the back of each Duplicator. All daisy chain ports and daisy chain connector cables are color coded for convenience. Blue is for sending data out Black is for receiving data in. Connect all the towers together using the provided Daisy Chain cable (referred to as DC cable).
○ Starting with the Master tower, connect the blue end of the DC cable to the blue daisy chain port on the back of the tower.
○ Connect the black end of the DC cable to the black port located on the back of Duplicator #2.
○ To connect the next duplicator in the chain, use another DC cable and connect the blue end to the blue port on Duplicator #2 and the black end to the black port on Duplicator #3. Continue in this fashion until all duplicators are connected.
3. Connect the duplicators to electrical outlets using the provided power cables.
4. Power on all duplicators. They have not been linked at this point, so they will operate independently.
5. On each duplicator, navigate the main menu to “9. Setup” and then press the ENT button.
6. On each duplicator, navigate the Setup menu to “3. DC Link Setup” and then press the ENT button.
7. Set Duplicator #1 to “First”. Press the ENT button.
8. Set the last duplicator in chain to “End”. Press the ENT button.
9. Set any duplicators in-between to “Middle”. Press the ENT button.
10. Power cycle all duplicators by switching the power switch off and on.
When the duplicators bootup and reach the “Detecting Links...” screen, the connected duplicators will attempt to communicate with each other and establish the daisy chain connection.
Duplicating in a Daisy Chain Configuration
1. Navigate to “Copy” and press the ENT button.
2. Set a Copy Counter if desired. Press the ENT button.
3. Insert your Master disc into the drive labeled “Master (Source)” on the Master tower. Or select the drive image loaded to the internal hard drive on the Master tower.
4. Insert your blank media into all remaining drives on all towers.
5. Press the ENT button. The duplication process starts.
For detailed information about using your Kanguru DVD Duplicator, please refer to the user manual which can be downloaded from Kanguru’s support site support.kanguru.com.
The Kanguru DVD Duplicator is guaranteed to be free from defect in materials and workmanship for one year. Kanguru Solutions does not offer money back returns on its duplicator product lines due to the unique nature of the product. If you experience any problems using your Kanguru DVD Duplicator or have any technical questions, please call our technical support department.
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