The current firmware version for the Rev 1 Kanguru USB Duplicator is U.43.
The current firmware version for the Rev 2 Kanguru USB Duplicator is V.54.
If you do not know the current firmware version currently on your duplicator, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to option 8 "Utilities"
2. From there go to option 2 "System Info"
3. In there you you will be provided the current firmware version on the system
If you do not know which generation duplicator you have, please look at the serial number on the back of your device. If the last two digits before the "KS" on the serial number is between 11 and 15 then you have a Generation 1 duplicator. If however the last two digits before the "KS" on the serial number is between 16 and higher then you have a Generation 2 duplicator. If you have any questions regarding this, please contact Kanguru support at either call 508-376-4245 option 2 or email
To perform this update, you will need the following:
-1 blank USB flash drive that can be formatted to file system Fat32
-Kanguru USB Duplicator
-Firmware - This can be downloaded by selecting the corresponding firmware below:
To update your device, follow these steps:
1. Format a USB drive to FAT32 (tools to assist with this formatting process can be downloaded by clicking Download Formatting Tools).
2. Unzip the file sent to you and copy the files over to the root directory of the newly formatted Flash drive.
3. Navigate to option 8 "Utilities" and go to where it has "Update Firmware"
4. Insert the formatted drive that has the update files on the source drive slot and press ENT.
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